Un-ventured Wilderness


August 26, 2012 by Mithil

 DSC03273 I hail from a small state on the western coast of India, Goa – a tourist destination for millions of people every year. I find it a blessing to be born in such a beautiful state habituated with such peaceful and benevolent people. Although it’s  a small state, I have observed the unfamiliar diversities spanning the across the state, I have learnt to respect others belief’s and rituals without mocking or degrading them. I hold my pride in the recent overhauling of government, a righteous decision barraging the paltry lot ingenious in sucking the life out of the state.

People come to Goa primarily to get out of their routine workaholic life, to give themselves a break and let the more proficient take care of them. However most of the times the good times spend here are analogous with the way they party and get drunk on the beach. I have come across a very horrific account of diary kept by a doper when he came down to Goa. I have friends who have survived near death collision by a tourist driving a car under the influence of alcohol. Certainly this is not anybody wants to hear or it is not what we advertised to the public.On my recent visits to two major cities, the mere mentions of me being Goan saw them glee and pass me ‘I know what you do down there’ look. Goa is not only about the beaches, parties and casinos, there’s lot more which unknowingly gets camouflaged under the brutal day to day realities of life. On my recent bike trip into the bosoms of the mesmerising western Ghats, I was once again reminded of the colossal versatility the region inspired and how nature in it’s play of seasons never fails to surprise us.

Nobody on a forecasted day in their sane moments wants to say no to a car, I did cause I like the prospects of exploring the wrapped greenery over the mountain with gushing cold splintering waves against my skin. I liked it because my scope of peering wasn’t just limited to a window pane. And because there was no space for me in the car. It was about 45min till we entered the mountains and therein we could see the winding roads spread upon the hills like snakes. That moment was straight out of Predators, with it’s vast mystifying jungle laid below your feet and it trying to connote in a hushed tone. We climbed and descended the hills to get to spot I am ashamed to have never been to. Unlike in cities, the rains in these parts are always a blessings, however large number of cats and dogs it might include. Nonchalantly riding through the hills I came across brooks far too frequently. The flora and fauna wasn’t obscure to us either. I was particularly careful not to dwell too much on the surroundings while I was in control of the wheels, but my smitten eyes were less compliant.  As I  painfully steered my way to our spot I realised the existing parallel world which is so much more intimidating and pacific than the one we live in. At first I was mildly pessimistic of the possibilities but at the end it was a memorable day. It had little to do with pre-decided spot or the pics we snapped together but it was the journey, the holistic experience of a monsoon clad Ghats teasing with lustrous beauty.

Now don’t get me wrong, beaches are great we all love them, but sometimes one has to explore the less obvious or the less seen. It’s not difficult to find  find the waterfalls and seasonal streams in Goa. So come to Goa and get wasted on it’s wilderness.  

PS : This post has no allegiances towards Tourism Goa ;P



5 thoughts on “Un-ventured Wilderness

  1. Yes, you are blessed to be born in Goa 🙂

  2. Hi Mithil, You sure are lucky to be born in Goa. It’s a lovely place and like you said, the people are gentle and very simple which adds to the appeal. We have been there quite a number of times and each time I, my husband and our dogs try and explore the place to our heart’s content. I love your lil villages with their quaint lil bakeries and shops. It’s sad that Goa is being constantly made synonymous with drugs and booze. You are right, it is much more than this. About the beach…for the likes of us who stay so far away from one, the beaches are always fascinating n my fur babies enjoy playing in the sand n waves a lot :O)

  3. Goa is a good birding place as well with sanctuaries nearby. Not many people are aware about the wilderness areas of Goa. The monsoon in the ghats is to be experienced at least once.

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